FETC 2011
Wed, Feb. 2, 2011
Notes by: Laura Hall, 3rd grade teacher
St. Luke’s Lutheran School
Session 4: 1:50-2:45
Getting Teachers to Adopt Technology- What To and Not To Do
Rushton Hurley - teacher, trainer, nonprofit guy
- Simon’s Cat video “Let Me In”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rb8aOzy9t4
- A Football Game Gives Hope - coach gets town to come cheer for convicted teens playing football
Free resources:
- xrl.us/NVnews (no www)
- shortcut to a sign up for a newsletter that he sends out once a month
- tinyurl.com/RHatFETC2011 (no www)
We need to tap into the talents that kids have that we might not even know about.
- Plus, it’s fun!
One teacher’s perspective on technology:
- It should help my students learn.
- It should make things easier for the teacher.
Part 1: Training Do’s and Don’ts
- Don’t: limit by requiring oneself to be a technology expert
- Do: remind teachers of their expertise
- ex: you don’t have to know how to do the video project yourself
- the point is that they can can convey their knowledge of the topic
- give them plenty of time (ex: give them 6 weeks to make the video, but have them turn in the script for the video by week 2)
- They’ll come up with a way to figure it out, even if they’re not the best at technology.
- Give them the opportunity to work alone or with a group of peers
- (IKEA lamp video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I07xDdFMdgw
- a lot of us feel like the older lamp
- We need to remember that we’re not the lamp; we’re the light!
- Don’t: start with standards
- don’t use jargon
- Do: show something fun
- Tag Galaxy - connects to the flicker database
- puts the pictures on the “globe”
- Don’t: sit everyone in a lab for training
- Do: allow regular (and short) sharing time
- ex: what he did with Tag Galaxy - just a quick preview, etc
- shared story of history teacher having kids write letters “home” from WWI
- maybe to a 2 minute share time at staff meetings
- Don’t: limit technology to labs
- Do: show what’s possible with one or two computers in the classroom
- Ex: Wiki
- Don’t: buy expensive software a teacher has never tried
- It has to be personal
- Do: learn what’s freely available
- let them get comfortable with free things, then they’re more likely to use other stuff
- If you can use free things at school, then kids can go home and use it, too.
- Using personal things (the pictures of the cats) can help connect you to the kids.
- Don’t: blanket the campus with expensive hardware
- Teachers- allow yourself to play with the technology a bit.
- Do: use targeted spending to focus purchases
- You don’t have to get the same technology for every classroom!
What’s possible, part 1 (part of his nonprofit stuff)
- Light bulbs: online library of videos made by and for teachers and students
- has a collection of Career videos
- Global Views:
- Seeing Service:
What’s possible, part 2
- Showed video that rival schools in Washington made -”You Make My Dreams Come True” Shorewood Lip Dub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7TI-AJi2O8
- Kids had to actually say the words backwards!
- video done in one shot, not edited together
- EVERYBODY in the school was involved!
- edmodo.com/FETCeval session: FC0012